Pre-shipment Inspection
P SI, abbreviation of Pre-shipment Inspection, is also called FRI (Final Random inspection) by some inspection companies. This inspection, the most important and popular service in Inspection activity, aims to guarantee the conformity of production to your specifications and international standards. PSI is performed when 100% of the production is finished and at least 80% of final product is packed. The scope of this inspection consists of the quantity, packaging, quality, marking, and the other important points requested by the clients and international standards. This inspection should be carried out in general in the factory of seller, according to the standard ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 AQL (Default Lever 2.) (see below 2 tables) Table 1 Sample Size Acceptance 2.5/ 4.0 (Default) At Sunchine, before performing each mission of PSI, the account manager will send one document called ‘job file’ for approval of the client. In the job file, all the details of inspection s...