The Movie Itself is written by Benoît Graffin, Pierre Salvadori and directed by Pierre Salvadori.
The Movie Itself is written by Benoît Graffin , Pierre Salvadori and directed by Pierre Salvadori . In my mind, there are few women that possess such unrivaled beauty and class — not to mention screen presence — than the lovely Audrey Tautou . Because of this genuine charm it’s no wonder she was the top pick for Salvadori’s romantic comedy, “ Priceless .” This might seem off base, but I actually hate the name for the genre: Romantic Comedy. I think that it sells many films short. It seems like there’s a more appropriate genre that has yet to be named, one that’s a better fit. Then again, there’s no doubting the components of this film. It contains both romance and comedy in equal parts, and is most definitely not dramatic, at least not in the traditional sense. Even still, there’s an ingredient that eludes me — something that I can’t readily identify. Perhaps it’s that the film is refreshing, different and so far removed from the Hollywood Rom-Com formula that it a...