People Love to Have Been Served With Tea

This special blend of Pu-erh with Chrysanthemum flowers is very popular in Hong Kong. It is commonly served in many Chinese restaurants, especially during a Dim Sum meal. Not only is it delicious, but it is considered particularly good for cooling internal heat, as well as being able to aid digest the oily food. To ensure freshness, we will only create the blend when we received an order for this tea.
Other names:
Ju Pu, Gook Po
The sweetness of the Chrysanthemum flowers nicely complements the earthy taste of Pu-erh, creating a healthy and soothing tea with a subtle sweet floral fragrance. This tea is highly recommended for those who are new to Pu-erh.
Mixture of dark Pu-erh tea leaves and chrysanthemum flowers. When infused, the chrysanthemum flowers will float atop the water.
Brand, Manufacturer:
Yunnan Province
Pu-erh Type:
Cooked / Black

Brewing Guide
We recommend using purple clay tea ware. Rinse tea cup and teapot with hot water. Fill the teapot 1/4 to 1/3 full with tea leaves. Steep tea leaves in hot water at 100°c (212°F) for 1 minute for the first and second brewing. Gradually increase steeping time for subsequent brewing.

Our topic relates to Jasmine Dragon Pu-erh. This is green tea and one can find out that the shape of this tea is so unique that it looks like a pearl and that is the reason why it is resembled as "Pearl". This special tea comes up from a Chinese Province known as Fujian. The pearls of this have been rolled naturally with human hands contained its buds and leaves as well. Jasmine Dragon Pearl Tea is sweet in flavor and has aroma of flowery jasmine. This absolute stunning tea has the fragrance of jasmine which gives an indescribable clear after taste and the taste is so intensely flavored. There is a famous saying about the use of this tea that "Watch the dragon pearls blossom before your eyes".
People safe from cancer who use green tea in daily routine:
Apart from the uniqueness of Jasmine Dragon Pearl Tea, it is widely believed and after a thorough search conducted all over the world by various reputed researchers, that people who use green tea regularly and has made the use of it their daily routine, have minor chances of being able to caught in cancer disease. Many researchers and doctors now a day's advice people that instead of making black tea a part of their lives, start using green tea which is good for digestion and even prevent one falling victim to diseases like cancer. This green tea has a healthy taste which could be used on regular basis.



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