After “The Artist,” what’s next for French film? Following France's big Oscar triumph, a

Following France's big Oscar triumph, a more commercial new wave aims at American theaters

Audrey Tautou
Audrey Tautou in "Delicacy"
Topics:Movies, France, The Artist

Are French films the new black in Hollywood? In the wake of the thoroughly implausible pile of Oscars won by “The Artist,” is there another oddity of Gallic cinema out there ready to capture America’s heart?

The obvious, and probably correct, answer might be: Tu plaisantes, non? (You’re totally kidding, right?) On the other hand, long experience has taught all of us in and around the movie business never to bet against Harvey Weinstein on anything. He’s already put some of his 2012 marbles on “The Intouchables,” a cheerful Parisian comedy that pushes numerous contemporary buttons at once — class, race, immigration, disability — and that just opened the Rendez-Vous With French Cinema festival at New York’s Lincoln Center. (It’s currently scheduled for general release beginning May 25.)



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