The 2012 London Olympic Games - Storms are Brewing - No Guarantees on the Weather!

Do you remember when the Chinese Government guaranteed no smog and clear skies for the Beijing Olympic Games, as all this was to be achieved with sophisticated weather control technology? Well, they almost pulled it off didn't they, and close enough, as the Beijing Games were spectacular in every regard. Well, weather isn't the only challenge that plagues the hosting cities of the Olympic Games, and maybe we should address some of the economic issues as well?

You see, it appears that cost overruns are challenging the 2012 London Games, and there seems to be a lot of finger pointing going on, still this is no time for the "blame game" because summer of 2012 is rapidly flying towards us with its fire-breathing Predator Drone type weapons system. Yes, but the Year of the Dragon this time belongs to London, that is if they can pull it off. What's the problem?

Well, Josh Aggars, the irreverent and controversial London blogger who is continually making headlines writes; "What it all boils down to is the fact that the IOC demands brand new state of the art facilities be built in order to host their Olympic games."

Yes, I hear all that, but isn't that what the London Olympic Bidding Team promised, are they going to renege on their promise, like the London CDO insurance office of AIG? It's time to walk the talk, I mean blame game aside right? Josh also notes another historical economic fact in hindsight of the Montreal games;
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"They [the IOC - International Olympic Committee] have little regard for the post-Olympic financial problems that all host cities have to deal with in their wake. Montreal, hosts of the 1976 summer Olympic Games, took 30 years to pay off their construction debt and for what?"

Well, that's a decent point, but let me take a crack at that question "for what?" - how about for their own egos, and the prestige of hosting the Olympic Games. Ah, but Josh retorts; "[what] to be name checked on Wikipedia as having been one of the 'lucky' few to host the party? Is this what the Olympics has come down to? A mountain of debt and a reference in the record books for posterity?"

Ha ha ha, I told you ca bikini was controversial, and he is giving it to us straight in real terms isn't he? Well, no one can deny his critique, but some things are more important - there is a global component, World Peace component, and a component of humanity at stake as well.

Please consider all this.

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