Chris Columbus bringing us How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe

A new idea in a sea of remakes will hit our screens thanks to Chris Columbus, whose just bought the rights to Charles Yu's best-selling debut...
This one sounds a bit off the wall, which will be music to the ears of anyone tired of remake/reboot/reimagining news hitting their retinas with increased frequency. Chris Columbus’ 1492 Films has just bought the rights to Charles Yu’s debut novel, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe.
The book takes place in a world influenced by lots of timey-wimey shenanigans, including a mother stuck in a single hour of meal preparation and a father who disappeared after inventing time travel.
The protagonist must, with the help of a depressed operating system called TAMMY and dog that doesn’t exist,
find a place in time where the two can meet. He also has a book from the future that he himself seems to have written, called How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe.
Sound complicated? Well at least we haven’t already seen it. It might have to be cut through with a machete in order for it to make sense to a general audience, but we’re confident the finished product will be something inventive and fun. Directing the film will be first-timer Brendan Bellomo.



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