Harry Potter and the Mellow Mushrooms

This Friday night, I headed down to Littleton with Nicole in tow to celebrate two very important dates: Emily's birthday and the opening of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows. In case you didn't know, Emily is a huge fan of Harry Potter. Like, she is THE fan. She named her dogs "Diggory and Ginny". Her living room is modeled (in a classy way) after Dumbledore's office. She belongs to a Quidditich team. Which is all cool with me, since I am also a big fan. I've never been so engaged, so entranced with a book than I was with the entire Harry Potter series.

It was truly magical reading. And watching the movies is like licking the icing off of a truly decadent cake, the best cake you've ever had.

We started the night at Mellow Mushroom in the new Southglenn area. When I was growing up, Southglenn mall was the center of my melodramatic middle and early high school years. I would hang out with my stepsisters in the food court, watching the boys and wishing that we would have enough money to shop at Abercrombie and Fitch (we sell sex...and sweaters!) while munching on Annie's pretzels. We would spend our quarters at the arcade that always seemed to be staffed by people with criminal records, look at the puppies in the pet store, and eat at theTaco Bell next to the CD store, which always was the center for mingling...and shoplifting.
Ah yes, twas was the best of times.
So it brings me joy and a bitter twinge in my heart to see the new Southglenn: an outdoor shopping and entertainment mecca where the mall used to be.